Friday 20 April 2012

Bld. Regs. - greenhouses, sheds, garages, carports...

Small detached single storey domestic buildings including greenhouses, sheds, garages and attached carports meeting the following conditions do not require Building Regulation approval:

1. Detached garages or structures with an internal floor area not exceeding 15 m2 and built of any type of construction that does not affect disabled access and contains no electrical supply (see notes below**) are wholly exempt from Building Regulation approval.

2. Detached garages or structures with an internal floor area not exceeding 30 m2, built of any type of construction and sited so as to be a minimum of 1metre from any boundary line, that does not affect disabled access and contains no electrical supply (see notes below**) are wholly exempt from Building Regulation approval.

3. Detached garages with an internal floor area not exceeding 30 m2 and built of substantially non-combustible materials*, that does not affect disabled access and contains no electrical supply (see notes below**) are wholly exempt from Building Regulation approval.

*Examples of what constitutes substantially non-combustible materials*:
ROOF - non-combustible cement based sheeting fixed to steel roof trusses / tiled or slated roof on timber roof trusses or timbers / timber flat roof covered with felt with applied bitumen bedded 12.5mm limestone chippings.

WALLS – brickwork / blockwork / concrete panels / steel frame clad in non-combustible cement based boarding.

FLOORS – concrete slab.

4. Carports open at least two sides attached or detached from the main building, with an internal floor area not exceeding 30 m2 that does not affect disabled access and contains no electrical supply (see notes below**) are wholly exempt from Building Regulation approval.

Disabled access.
It is a ‘Material Alteration’ requiring the submission of a Building Regulation application, if the works you are undertaking make access to or access into the dwelling any worse than it is now. So the proposal must not obstruct access pathways up to the main dwelling entrance doors.

Electrical regulations.
If the small-detached building is to have electricity supplied from a source shared with or located within the dwelling, then the Building Regulations apply to the electrical works. You will be required to submit a Building Regulation application. (Refer to Guide Note 20 for full details of the requirements).
If electrical circuits are to be provided or adapted to provide light or power to your attached carports, then the Building Regulations may apply (Refer to Guide Note 20 for full details of the requirements).

Water efficiency regulations.
If you intend to provide a cold and / or a hot water supply to any greenhouse or small detached building covered by this guide and the supply is from a source shared with or located with or located inside a dwelling, then the Building Regulations requirements of Part G - paragraphs G1 (cold water supply), G3(2) and G3(3) (hot water supply and systems) must be complied with. As a result you will be required to submit a Building Regulation application providing full details of compliance. (Refer to Guide Note 25 for full details of the requirements).

Thermal regulations.
If you intend to provide heating and lighting or install ‘Controlled services or fittings’ into the building, you will be required to make a building regulation for those works refer to guide 24 (2).

Planning Approval
You are reminded that Building Regulations Approval does not imply approval under the Town and Planning Act – you should check whether or not a Planning Application is required.

Drainage and your proposal
Where you encounter any drainage or drainage is likely to be affected by your proposal, from the 1st October 2011 United Utilities now have ownership / maintenance responsibilities of all private land shared drainage systems which connect to their sewerage systems and therefore require access / drainage protection provisions and in some cases formal ‘Building Over Sewers Agreements’ in place to allow the your work to commence. This applies where the works are to be undertaken over or within 3m of the shared pipework.

Prior to the excavations commencement it is advised your contractor determines the exact positions of all drainage runs / pipe sizes / pipe depths and positions of all existing access points and inspection chamber on site and to either side of the proposals site that will run under or are within 3m of the proposals. Where shared drainage between adjacent properties is likely to be encountered you are advised to contact United Utilities Asset Protection Team to determine their requirements and seek their formal agreement to allowing you to build our there drainage.

Any new drainage connection must be made to the appropriate drain (foul to foul / surface water to surface water) and within the site boundaries of the property. United utilities connection consent will be required if connections are made to neighbouring properties drainage systems.